Adult Carers
There are around seven million carers in the UK. That is one in ten people. This figure is rising, and many people don't actually realise that they are carers! Recent events have placed additional pressures on everyone, and Carers have particularly been impacted by the closure of facilities and reduction of support services.
Caring for someone, whether they are elderly, frail, have a life long illness, mental health condition, addiction, or maybe a physical or learning disability, can be very rewarding. It can also be very tiring and stressful and have an impact of the Carer's own health and wellbeing.
Many people do not think of themselves as Carers. They just do the right thing for the people they love and don't expect any help. We understand that Carers often experience isolation, stress, guilt and anger, and that caring can be emotionally draining.
As a Carer, do you know what is out there to help support you? Do you struggle to find a little time for yourself because of your caring responsibilities? This is where our trained Community Navigators can help.
Our support is totally free of charge , and by providing emotional and practical support, and information, we aim to ease the stress Carers find themselves under, and help them to feel better equipped for their caring role. We are also able to carry out Statutory Carers Assessments* , which can help to identify areas where a carer needs additional support.
*Carers who are providing regular and substantial care to someone have a legal right to an assessment of their own needs.
How we can help
Our Community Navigators will talk to you about your caring role and provide advice, guidance and support. This will assist you in your caring role, by helping you to maintain your own health and well-being, and to find the right balance between your caring role and your own needs.
We will work with you to develop an individualised support plan and to access relevant resources and support. We can also support you in the following areas:
- Benefits & Form Filling
- Liaise with other professionals
- Advocacy
- Additional support at home with Telecare and equipment to empower you and the person you care for
- Community services
- Activities, training, and education
- Meet & Talk Groups
- Respite from your caring role
- Telephone Befriending Service
How to Access the service
To access support please give us a call on 0300 011 1965 or email .
Referrals to the service can be made via GP Practices, health services, Voluntary Sector, or Social Care Professionals. You can self-refer, using the form below.
GP and health professionals can refer via the following areas:
Dartford, Gravesham, and Swanley: