Wellbeing Matters Kent

Wellbeing Matters is a Community Navigation Service, provided by Imago on behalf of Kent County Council and the Clinical Commissioning Group.  This service provides support from our specially trained Community Navigators to adults aged 55 or over, or aged 18 or over with complex needs.  This service operates across Dartford, Gravesham, Swanley and Swale areas, and is free. We also support unpaid Adult Carers who are caring for another adult.


Many people are unaware of the range of support and services which can help. Our Community Navigators work with individuals to identify what will make the greatest difference to improve their health, wellbeing, confidence and motivation. The service offers information and guidance, as well as emotional and practical support.  It helps individuals to make personal choices and supports them to access a range of community, health, and social care options. For Adult Carers, we also carry out statutory Carers Assessments .  With our holistic approach we are able to support both individuals and family members affected by their situation.


How we can help

Community Navigators offer a personalised approach, enabling individuals and their Carers to remain independent in their own homes, increasing their ability to take control and self-manage.  Help is offered through home visits, face to face appointments, telephone or email. 

We link people with appropriate local services and organisations who can provide ongoing help such as:

  • Befriending
  • Home Safety
  • Financial Support and benefits advice
  • Housing
  • Aids and adaptations
  • Sensory Services
  • Domestic Support
  • Shopping
  • Domiciliary care
  • Social Activities
  • Form Filling 
  • Transport
  • Gardening
  • Handyman Services
  • Lifeline


The service will extend beyond signposting by providing support to help people maintain and improve their wellbeing and develop resilience and confidence to help them live as independently as possible. 


We can help people to:

  • Explore and build social networks, develop a range of activities for example peer support, befriending, carer support, creative activities, enabling them to explore both new and old interests.
  • Access the health and social care system support.
  • Access services and community activities, building their confidence through practical assistance and advice, offering accompanied visits, initial outings and form filling.

Manage their mobility by assessing and identifying adaptation, equipment and assistive technology needs, arranging the supply of equipment.


How to access the service

Please be aware that we are currently experiencing a high volume of referrals.  Whilst the team is working hard to contact all new clients as quickly as possible, there may be a short delay to the service we are able to offer


Please email navigation@imago.community or call 0300 011 1965 to access support.

Follow us on Facebook for information, events and updates: Imago Community


Referrals to the service can be made via GP Practices, health services, Voluntary Sector, or Social Care Professionals.  You can self-refer, using the form below.


GP and Health Professionals can refer via the following areas:


Dartford, Gravesham, and Swanley: dgsccg.imagonavigation@nhs.net

Swale: swccg.imagonavigation@nhs.net