Supporting adults to improve and maintain their wellbeing
Wellbeing Matters Plus is a new service offering and developing community-based opportunities for individuals aged 55 plus, and adults with complex health needs, living in Ashford, Canterbury or Swale.
We help people feel connected and less lonely, offering support to improve wellbeing and independence, whilst ensuring the individual's voice is heard and valued.
Imago's experienced Coordinators will work with you on a one-to-one basis, to talk through your needs and interests and find the right activities for you.
Give us a call on 0300 373 0560 or email
To make a referral to the service please use the form at the bottom of this page:

We have a whole range of activities for you to try based on the 6 Ways to Wellbeing such as:
Be active: exercise sessions, gardening, yoga, tai-chi, dance, postural stability, sporting activities
Keep learning: Computer and social media classes, ESOL, U3A, arts, crafts, adult education, employment advice
- Give: volunteering, gardening schemes, volunteer driving, befriending, community events
- Connect day centres, lunch clubs, sewing circles, afternoon teas, social clubs, CAMEO wellbeing group, men's sheds, mental health support groups
- Take notice: walking groups, heritage visits, photography, bird watching, mindfulness
- Care for the planet: energy efficiency, environmental clean-ups, community allotments, sustainability
Can't see the form? Please use this link: