Southwark Young Carers
There are over 2,500 Young Carers in Southwark and according to BBC research, there could be many more hidden Young Carers! It is important that Young Carers know that they are not alone in their caring role.
We support Young Carers by promoting positive wellbeing through a variety of activities, workshops, and respite. Working with school staff and other professionals, we aim to ensure Young Carers have access to the support they need and know they are not alone.
Young Carers provide unpaid care for a family member or friend with an illness, disability, mental health issue, or addiction. They support the cared-for and other family members with practical tasks, physical care, and emotional support, whilst at the same time trying to live their own life.
We support Young Carers in Southwark to minimise the negative impacts of caring and to access social and educational opportunities and emotional support, highlighting the positive impacts of being a carer, such as increased resilience and empathy.

To make a referral please use the form below
Southwark Young Carers is the borough-wide service for Young Carers in Southwark, provided by Imago Community. Young Carers are anyone aged 6-18 who are taking on caring responsibilities for a family member with a long-term illness, d-isability, mental health, or substance misuse issue. This can include caring for a disabled sibling. Young Adult Carers are those aged 18-24.
We work with schools, communities, and statutory and voluntary agencies to identify hidden young carers. Following assessment, Imago Young Carers offer a range of short-term interventions including signposting, one-to-one support, in-school support and workshops.
We produce a monthly newsletter for parents and young carers which details times and locations of our events, latest news and updates. For safeguarding reasons we do not publish this information on a publicly accessible site, however if you are registered for the young carers service and have not received your newsletter please contact us.
For further information please contact the Hub:
Phone 0300 111 1110
Email: youngcarers@imago.community
Twitter: @imago_community
Facebook: Imago Young People Support
The SYC Hub is available for you to call Monday - Friday 9-5pm to talk about Young Carers' needs and can provide information, advice and signposting.
Referral Form
Information for GP Practices and Primary Care Practitioners
Please click on the links to read the following documents:
Opening Doors - a guide to identifying, supporting and signposting Young Carers in your practice
Volunteer with us!
Volunteering is a fantastic way to gain experience, improve your CV or dip your toe into a new career, plus it gives you the feel-good factor! You can gain first-hand experience of working with young people, fundraising, PR, office administration or befriending. Please get in touch today for a Volunteer Application Pack, training is provided.
“Knowing I have made a young person smile and feel happier for just a couple of hours – no better feeling than that!” Leanne, Chill Club Volunteer Assistant